Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Precious time

Today, i had the luxury of 5 mins of the boss man's time and we chatted briefly. I always ask to see photos of his babies and little girl - because they're so adorable. I always come out of his room feeling very grateful - Because i always learn so much from him just by speaking with him. *Osmosis* i think that's the word.

I hope he will have more time to himself in this coming new year. With his family. And not be bogged down by work. That's my well wishes for him. :) I need to remind him of that!

The one thing i've learnt from my job-hopping stint is that...while work defines who you're in some aspects, and probably one of the few things in life that you can control the most, it shouldn't be the only thing that you fill your life with.

Life is more than just that. It's about your family, friends. Faith. Happiness. Gratitude. Love.
And I am happy to share that i've done what i've preached for the past 24 months. Work didn't take up my life, or i tried to NOT let that happen. I've taken up travelling. And bringing my grandma and mum to Vietnam in 2007. Arranging a family trip up to Malacca just this Sept. And this week, i will be bringing my sillygoose mum to KL.

Life's really great right now. I just hope all will be safe. :)

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